I honestly can't remember when I took the top three. It has been a while, but probably my first semester. The top two were taken in Williamsburg and the third was done at Carolina Beach. My last one was for my up close and personal assignment.
This is a second try at understanding macro. I used the D100 with a 105mm lens, extension and reversing ring on the first image (a styrofoam ball), and the same equipment minus the reversing ring for the memory and piece of plastic. I didn't get the results I wanted from the ball with the ring, but the more I play the more I'll understand it. All images are shot with hot lights at 1:1. I played with depth of field a lot for these subjects and ended up between f5.6 and f11.
I got this cute little camera for Christmas, a Canon Powershot SD 10000. I really like it! It's adorable. So, with all this macro talk, I wanted to play with it and see what I can get from this. I just walked outside and saw the ice on the rock melting. The flower, though, was shot on top of a light table. I used a little fill for the top of it. All in all, it's alright =D
This was my first attempt. My first REAL one. There are def. some issues, but also some good things. I need to work on my math a little better... I used stupid strobes and "popped" (bracketing of course) from 4 to 32 times. Granted, that's only 2 under, and 1 over, I'd still like to have done better. My aperture was at f22 (but I'm not happy with it. I'd have liked a lot less dof actually) and I used Kodak e100. I like the lens choice though, it's fun to play with. 60mm Nikon lens/camera at 1:1.
Back in October, I went to NY for the Photo Plus Expo. It was definitely an experience. I met a lot of people in the industry and got to play with a lot of cool stuff. While that was educational and fun, I think I had an even better time roaming the streets and subway system with a few school mates and hanging with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I took pictures of everything!! But these are just a few. I can see myself going back just to hang. Great place.
I was bored while raking leaves, and I'm kind of obsessed with the sky atm, so I took these. I just like black against the multicolored sky. Not really the best images, but pretty imo.
Photo grad. Had my hand at a real photo job, and I'm just not the creative type. I'd enjoy the technical side. So, for now, I stick to just making myself happy =) Oh, and the occasional event here or there.